Scientific Research



Measure 10.2.:  Support for conservation and sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

Patners:  Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited & Olea Counseils (Tunisia)

Type of Action

Conservation-type operations supported under this measure shall concern one or more of the following actions:  

Actions promoting the ex situ and in situ conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture, including web-based inventories of genetic resources currently conserved in situ, including in situ/on-farm conservation, and of ex situ collections (gene banks) and databases.

Actions promoting the exchange of information for the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture, among competent organisations in the Member States.

Information, dissemination and advisory actions involving non-governmental organisations and other relevant stakeholders, training courses and the preparation of technical reports as a result of (a or b).

Conservation actions for plant genetic resources

Identification: selection & sampling of fruit sampling, including DNA analysis of selections to establish the identity of the variety


Conservation: accessions from the selected plants would be identified and introduced into conservation fields then monitored to collect further data on physiological and morphological characteristics for the necessary registration to the National register of Varieties

Valorisation: to test aptitude to certain criteria, establishment of mother blocks of selected varieties for the production of healthy local varieties; promotion within the local farming community.

Cross-Cutting Objectives of the RDP

The project shall address all three cross-cutting objectives: 

(a)  environment – the olive tree is an evergreen with a positive contribution to landscapes and is also carbn newutral

(b)  climate change – as a durable tree, the olive trees have beneficial effects through making Maltese agriculture more adaptable and resilient to climate change

(c)  Innovation – the high quality research that will be undertaken by the project will open new niches for further studies in Earth Sciences by students at the UoM..

Needs of the RDP:

Need 1:  Water, Wastes and Energy:  The olive tree is known for its adaptability for the Mediterranean climate and can resist long droughts.  The olive sector does not produce a big quantity of waste since both by-products (pruning and pomace may be recycled by small projects.  The only energy input in olive cultivation is used for irrigation when using electrical water pumps.

Need 2:  Maltese Quality Produce:   The olive sector in Malta is known for its high quality extra virgin olive oil that it can produce.  In fact the Cooperative has sent abroad three samples of EVOO and all obtained ery high quality standards.

Need 4:  Landscape and Environment – managing habitats and features:   Since the olive tree is a prerrenial and evergreen tree, it forms part of our rural landscapes.  It has also been established that the olive tree has a positive contribution on emissions and plans are ebing developed to include the olive groves in the emissions exchange program.

Need 5:  Wider rural economy and quality of life:   The extra virgin olive oil produced by the olive tree is considered as green gold within the sector since it has a remarkable market potential.  Hence olive groves that are well managed are economically sustainable and can improve the quality of life of rural communities, also by introducing secondary revenue activities such as olive tourism.

Project Sustainability

The project shall lead to several benefits, mainly in rural areas around Malta and Gozo:

Environment:  The first important benefit of the project is to continue to encourage the cultivation of the BIDNI cultivar.  This will have a positive effect on the environment, biodiversity and climate change mitigation through the fact that more trees will be planed in Malta and Gozo.  

Economic:  The project shall offer a revenue stream for the olive growers since olive oil has a very high economic value in the food supply chain.  

Social:  The olive harvest is a means to unite friends and families and built social networks as well as bring together many persons in olive harvest activities.  

Tourism:  There is also a trend in the Mediterranean countries to encourage rural and olive tourism, and the project will be a catalyst to encourage more olive tourism in Malta and Gozo.

In fact the Cooperative has already commenced discussions with the Malta Tourism Authority to implement new and positive measures to promote sustainable tourism in the form of rural and olive tourism.  We have also taken steps to join a Mediterranean Network called Re.Co.MED that promotes sustainable, rural, olive tourism in the Mediterranean Region. 

Aesthetic:  The olive tree is recognised around the world as a very durable and aesthetic tree offering an awesome landscape for all visitors in the olive groves, which are today being used also for meditation, dinners, yoga and prayers.