Visit by Dr. Enzo Perri, Director of CREA, Italia

Visit by Dr. Enzo Perri, Director of CREA, Italia

December 11, 2024




  1. Dr. Enzo Perri is the Director of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics – Research Centre for Olive, Citrus and Fruit crops (CREA-OFA) after this referred to as “CREA OFA”, having its registered office at Via della Navicella 2/4 00198 Roma, Italy, Tax ID Code: 97231970589, VAT number 08183101008, with a office located at via Settimio Severo 83, Rende, Cosenza, Italy (CS).
  2. CREA has won a competitive call for quotations for the scientific research in connection with the genetic resources project being carried out by KPZ under Measure 10.2.
  3. For the visit, KPZ prepared an intensive program in order to maximize the benefit of Dr. Enzo Perri in Malta.
  4. The prepared program had to be amended since Dr. Perri lost his early flight and had to re-schedule his itinery at his own cost.
  5. On arrival at the arrival, Dr. Perri was welcomed by the President of the Cooperative Jimmy Magro and made the transfer to the hotel. At the same hotel, use was made of the VIP Lounge to hold bilateral talks on the following topics:

5.1.      the conclusion and signature of the subrogation agreement between KPZ and CREA;

5.2.      the administrative aspects of the DSA travel allowance for persons travelling to Malta under the genetic resources project;

5.3.      a detailed discussion on the utilization of the travel budget in order to plan for future missions for scientific research in Malta;

5.4.      a video conference was held with Samanta Zelasco to plan the future visits to Malta.  The issue of the certificates required to take out the samples from Malta was discussed in great detail.  It was agreed that in future missions to Malta, more personnel would come to enhance the pace of the sampling of olive trees from Malta to Italy.

5.5.      the proposed cooperation with the International Olive Council was discussed in detail and CREA agreed to provide the support for the holding of a workshop in Malta on the characterization of the germplasm of the olive tree of indigenous cultivars.

5.6.      The meeting ended with a review of the program for the second day at about 2000 hrs.

  1. Work on the second day commenced at 0900 hrs at the Offices of Koperattivi Malta at Mdina Road, Qormi. The discussions between Dr. Enzo Perri and Jimmy Magro focused on the following topics:

6.1.       review of the subrogation agreement between KPZ and CREA.  Following the review of the agreement and the appendices, the agreement was signed and initialed on each page, and the appendix was also initialed on each page.

5.2.       KPZ and CREA review the budget of the project, with special attention on the scientific research budget and the travel budget.  It was agreed that once CREA finalise their internal processes, and the subrogation agreement is in place, CREA can issue invoices for work carried out under the terms of the service agreement.  As the travel budget, it was agreed to make use of the savings gained so far so that KPZ benefit from the services of agronomists that could possibly be provided from Italy that could work on segments of the project.

5.3.       KPZ informed CREA that the root stocks will be delivered to the nursery in the first week of December 2024.  It was agreed to visit the nursery as soon as these discussions are over.

5.4.       KPZ and CREA discussed in detail the meeting with Minister Refalo to prepare the topics to be raised during the meeting.

  1. Visit to the Nursery at St. Vincent de Paule. KPZ and CREA visited the nursery to discuss the preparations for the delivery of the root stocks.  Discussions were held with the Chargehand of the Nursery so that all goes well when the root stocks are delivered.  It as agreed to request Jardinland to coordinate with the Chargehand so that both sides agree on the logistics of the operation.
  2. Meeting with Minister Refalo: Dr. Perri explained the responsibilities of CREA and its operational and legal structure, that it is a public entity under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture.  Thereafter he explained the importance of the scientific research being under taken as part of the genetic resources project, and the benefit that will accrue to Malta through the characterisation of the indigenous olive trees in Malta.  He also emphasised that CREA has the knowledge and know-how to carry out this scientific research and has hundreds of varieties in their database only for olive trees.  It was agreed to enter into discussions to finalise an MoU, both with the Ministry (Italy and Malta) and with CREA and MAFA (Malta).
  3. Following the meeting, KPZ and CREA headed for lunch in Valletta.
  4. KPZ and CREA held a video conference with Dr. Sonda Laroussi the Tunisian partner of the genetic resources project. The meeting discussed the progress of the project and the next steps to be undertaken as part of the scientific research, the arrival of the root stocks and the educational and awareness campaign.  It was agreed that in the foreseeable future a joint meting will be held in Malta to coordinate the work between all stakeholders.
  5. The final meeting of the visit was with Prof. David Mifsud of the University of Malta. KPZ, CREA and UoM discussed the scientific research being undertaken by the project and how the UoM could support the research; how CREA and UoM can cooperate with the signing of an MoU; and how Maltese students can do an Erasmus visit to CREA to enhance their studies in germplasm research.  It was agreed that Prof. Mifsud would be able to join the KPZ delegation as a technical expert during the visit to RENDE.
  6. During the visit to Malta, Dr. Perri visited three olive groves: in Siggiewi, Zebbug and Zejtun.

Jimmy Magro



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Genetic Resources